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Bouncing Back from Social Media Burnout

Burnout is a scary word, because to so many, burnout means giving up.

But, let's face it – in today's digital age, burnout is inevitable, especially in the realm of social media. Even seasoned social media managers aren't immune to the “doom scroll.”

According to DataReportal, the average person spends 2.5 hours a day on social media. That’s 864 hours a year of scrolling through apps, equivalent to 36 days.

The average social media manager spends 8 hours a day on social media. That’s 2,920 hours a year or just under 122 days.

However, I don’t say this as a negative. I love social media. I love my work. But to ignore the very reality of burnout would be like going to battle without a shield. Instead, I encourage you (and myself) to learn how to recognize burnout, and likewise, protect yourself from it.

Let's talk about the warning signs, the red flags that scream 'burnout is lurking.' Just like that feeling when you know you're biting off more than you can chew — social media burnout gives you hints long before it takes over.

  • Feeling easily irritated, frustrated, and overwhelmed

  • Being constantly distracted or unable to focus on tasks

  • Compassion fatigue both professionally and personally

  • Lack of sleep, waking up tired, and feelings of heaviness

  • Feeling anxious when opening social media apps, or similarly, feeling anxious when you’ve gone a while without opening apps

  • Feeling as if you are incapable backing away when feeling overwhelmed

So, what's the game plan to conquer this relentless monster? Let's break it down into practical steps that are as real as your favorite post-lunch coffee. These aren't magic pills, but they're tried-and-tested strategies that help me.

  • Dedicate moments to fully unplug from screens. Whether you sneak a 10 minute break at work or plan a long weekend away, sometimes you just need to turn off… literally!

  • Curate a safe social media space. Don’t be afraid to unfollow accounts that don’t inspire or motivate you, mute accounts, or turn off notifications. This is especially important for my social media managers out there who need to feel separation between their personal and professional social media usage. Personally, I follow a *lot* of accounts with motivational quotes, art, and cute animals!

  • Explore your other passions. In a world where it often feels like our lives are trapped behind screens, remember that you're more than just a profile. So, dive into your real-world interests, like I do – letting my inner nerd run free, playing video games, reading, and crafting. 

  • Find your inspiration. It's essential to reconnect with what makes you love social media. Explore other accounts, dare to experiment with something fresh, and most importantly, allow yourself the room to be creative and even fail. Trust me, some of my most successful posts were born from moments just like these!

Believe it or not, real people have been there, done that, and bounced back. Burnout doesn't have to be the end of the line; it can be a challenging detour leading to greater things. Take it slow, savor the process, and create a digital world that truly matters.