2022 Social Media Trends You NEED To Know


New year, same content? It’s finally 2022, which means it’s time for you to re-evaluate and re-define your social media strategy for the new year.

As social media professionals, we love to focus on change: new platforms, breakthrough algorithm switch-ups, and the latest meme taking over our feeds. In an industry that is always changing, trends are key.

Think of it this way, if your social media strategy is a boat then trends are the waves that carry you toward shore, or in this case, your business goals. So, are you ready to turn the tide in 2022? Check out these forecasted trends to get started:

Community, Community, Community

You know I couldn’t write an article without mentioning Tik Tok, right? Well, it's true that the rise of the short-form video platform has also led to a shift in how audiences view content. Over are the days of celebrity endorsements and glossy mega-influencers. Instead, smaller and more authentic communities will be at the forefront of every brand’s influencer strategy in 2022.

What drove this massive switch? Throughout the pandemic, digital communities have become more central to our everyday life as micro influencers fill the roles of friends and family online. In fact, almost 50% of young people view audiences like themselves with smaller, loyal audiences as key trendsetters to which they base purchase decisions.

Paid Ads, But It’s Not Where You Think

According to WERSM, over half of marketers said they plan to increase their paid social spend in 2022, but the platforms they’re eyeing may shock you. It is predicted that TikTok, Pinterest, and Snapchat will see the biggest jump in ad spend.

This strategy may just pay off, as emerging ad platforms such as these are less saturated than the traditional Facebook and Instagram, which will lead to less messaging fatigue and a lower cost per click (CPC.) But, be warned, as these platforms also require brands to create ads that mirror organic content and your typical “Buy Now” messaging will flop!

Social Media Will Carry the Burden of a Crisis in Customer Service

It should come as no surprise that the global shipping industry is in a chokehold. After the pressure of holiday shopping and a nationwide shortage of labor, customer service departments are overworked and understaffed heading into 2022. So, where will people go first when the online chat is down and telephone lines are full. You guessed it, social media!

Businesses should prepare to field an increasing number of customer service requests via social media in the months ahead. The good thing is that you can prepare your team in advance! Our tip is to create a FAQs document with common questions and scripted responses. This will allow whoever is handling your Facebook inbox to answer questions quickly and thoroughly!