Snackable Content: Your Recipe for Social Media Success

If you’ve spent any time around Chair 8 HQ then you probably know that we love office snacks. In fact, we have an entire Slack channel devoted to the subject! Fruit snacks, Goldfish, granola bites — you name it. We are eating it.

I can hear it now, you’re saying, “What does this have to do with social media?” Well, what if I told you that the appeal of snacking translates to social media as well? Snackable content is the term used to describe content designed to be easy for readers to consume and share. Short, sweet, and extremely filling, these bite-sized pieces of content may take the form of GIFs, memes, infographics, quotes, or even Instagram Reels.

Whether you’ve realized it or not, you probably interact with snackable content on a daily basis, like that cute dog meme you sent your friend or a stop-motion video of a new recipe you saved to try this weekend. The reason this content is so easily consumed is that it was built using a recipe for success, with the following statistics in mind:

  • 65% of people are visual learners

  • The average attention span of an adult online is 8 seconds

  • People face 3,000+ brand impressions per day online

By creating on-the-go information in the form of visual content, brands can stand out from the crowd and grab the attention of their audience quickly and effectively. And, as we look to the future, snackable content will only become more valuable as attention spans decrease and the competition continues to increase online.

So, what are our tips for satisfying your audience with snackable content? We’re using our favorite snacks to share just that!

Fruit Snacks

What’s the best part about a pack of fruit snacks? You never know what you’re going to get! Social media content should be created with an element of surprise, meaning brands should use a variety of formats to surprise and delight their audience, including graphics and videos. If you put all your eggs in one basket (or one graphic design templete), your audience may grow bored.


Ah, my personal favorite — cheesy, crunchy, goodness. The trick to creating Goldfish-like content? The bite! Your content should have a bit of crunch to it, whether that be a cheeky joke or jumping on an edgy video trend. By creating content that bites, your brand will begin to feel more human and appeal to a wider audience.

Granola Bites

Healthy and delicious! The biggest misconception about snackable content is that it provides no brand value, BUT I say this is a huge lie. Who said a meme can’t make you laugh out loud and provide you with insight to make a buying decision? In fact, like a granola bite, the best snackable content strikes this balance.

Ready to take a bite? Head on over to the Chair 8 Instagram, for some examples of snackable content we have made for our awesome clients!